What We Do

Paint parties, Paint & Praise, fundraisers, churches, women's groups, schools, birthday parties, nursing homes, country clubs, senior living, private events, homeschool groups, restaurants, team building, neighborhoods, festivals, company events, you name it!

Virtual parties & DIY paint kits available now!

We're The Baileys!

We (Nicole & Channon) have been married for 14 years, have 4 pretty cool kids, 1 dog, 5 cats, 6 chickens, & 2 donkeys.

While we're incredibly opposite, we actually both love art! Maybe in different forms, but still art - painting, baking, music making, writing, & crafting. Art is woven into our days and nights.

We can't wait to make art accessible, easy, and a fun adventure for you as you paint your own masterpieces!

"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10